Sunday, September 12, 2010

His Power is Made Perfect in Weakness

“Why did you decide to be a student missionary? “ Tyson asked me as we were enjoying the delicious pizza and pasta at the Italian restaurant.  “I guess my main reason is to grow I a deeper relationship with God.” I replied.
“ What made you decide to come to Maxwell academy? I mean, why didn’t you go to your academy in Egypt. At least you know the culture and the people.”
“I wanted to be in a place where I knew no one. I wanted to go outside of my comfort zone so I could learn to trust God and depend on Him more.” I replied  “ It’s weird because I already feel comfortable here.” I continued.
This conversation took place on staff training week, 5 days before all the students arrived to Maxwell. And yes, I was really comfortable at that time. All through the week I was hanging out with the SMs and all the other long-term missionaries. It was not that much different from home. I just felt in place. Well, this feeling did not last for a long time. When school started and all the students arrived, I started to realize that I was in a whole different culture dealing with different people with different characters. Let me tell you something I discovered, dealing with teenagers is NOT easy!!! I’ve been having some problems trying to connect with some of the students. It was hard to get them to do their work and show them my love and care at the same time. It was hard to decide when to be firm and when not to.  I tried different ways, but it just seemed that nothing was working. All that was building up in the inside of me until it was too much and I needed to let it out. I needed to talk to someone! I went and talked to pastor Kent (Academy pastor/ Bible teacher ). He encouraged me not to give up as he was giving me advices. He prayed with me and advised me to pray on my own and ask God to show me the best way of dealing with the students that fits my own character. I went to my room and started reading my Bible. As I was reading I came across 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ”So I will boast more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardship, persecution, and calamities for the sake of Christ for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.”” All the sudden it clicked. Yes, I was weak, BUT I was not alone. God was there to give me power. His power was made perfect in my weakness. “ Dear Jesus, I am weak but you’ve promised that your power is made perfect in weakness. I need your power.” I prayed. My God is a promise keeper. He gave me power, peace, and confidence that I was able to go through it with His help.  
            As I was thinking of this verse I though of the story of Moses. God does not use people who have it all together. In fact, he used those who know that the do not and are willing to depend on His strength every step of the way. Moses, the great leader who talked to Pharaoh about taking the Israelites out of Egypt, was slow in tongue. This man who lead about 2 million Israelite for 40 years into the desert did not even have the gift of speech. BUT, he had what was more important than language; he had Jesus and he was willing to depended on His strength. “Who gives speech to the mortal? Who makes them mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now, go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to speak.” Exodus 4:11-12. God gave Moses the ability to speak.
It might sound wired to you, but I am really thankful for all the hard times I go through. I learn to depend on God more and realize that I can NOT make it on my own. “ So I will boast more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardship, persecution, and calamities for the sake of Christ for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.”


  1. Beautiful, Habibty! Thank you for sharing what God has done for you! :) Love you lots and I'm praying for you!

  2. It is awesome! Thank you for sharing=)

    I like being week as well... Join my club=)

    Love you,
